Sunday, May 4, 2014

Vines- Funny or Not?

Going off of Professor Macek's previous post about the ever so popular Vine and why it has become popular. It first started in January 2013 when Twitter introduced the now popular app called ''Vine''. Vine let's users create a 6 second video that could be funny or not. But we all know some people that become instantly popular through their hilarious Vine vids. 

We've all had our fair share of hilarious vines, but finding the right one is what brings popularity to Vine. Don't get me wrong, I love vines, but one con of watching a vine and then closing your browser is then searching for the vine you watched because we all know that if it's a hugely popular Vine, the post that we found it on whether it was Twitter or Tumblr, will be gone once the page is refreshed. One other con of Vine is that it doesn't allow you to share your videos to Facebook which could possibly harm Vine in the future. But in reality, since it is owned by Twitter and Twitter is a rival of Facebook, who would want to combine with your rival just to get more views from a "new" audience? Definitely not me if I was Twitter. Also, there has been rumors of Facebook teaming up with Instagram to bring a 10 second video platform, but I don't think it will be popular as Vine has become now.

Here are some of the Vines I've found hilarious over time
Curse of the calculator / Vine By: Thomas Sanders

Curse of the calculator by Thomas Sanders

When Someone Doesn't Return Your Pen or Pencil by Lele Pons

When You Expect Someone to say Sorry, but They Don't by Max Jr.

When you expect someone to say sorry but they don’t - See more at:

Curse of the calculator / Vine By: Thomas Sanders

Curse of the calculator / Vine By: Thomas Sanders
Curse of the calculator / Vine By: Thomas Sanders


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